Monday, April 4, 2016

Day 0 Rebirth

Today was the big day - the day I finally got my blood stems cell back into my body to rebuild my blood system. While I was pretty excited to receive a young man's blood stem cells, all the extra drugs they gave me made me feel and smell like and old man. I slept through most of the excitement and as a bonus the preservative thy use to prevent the blood stem cells from bursting when frozen smells like creamed corn - a favorite of old men with no teeth.

I'm not sure I can really feel them kicking in yet, they might be a little bit sleepy from their long cryogenic sleep but hopefully over the course of the next few days they'll find their way home into my bones.

Carey came up this morning to sit with me during the procedure, it was probably a little too boring with me sleeping most of the time but I appreciate here support and all the support that I'm getting from my friends and family.

At this point I just sit back and relax as my blood counts drop and I feel even worse and then wait until the numbers start picking up again. It should only take about two weeks, so not too bad I guess.

So far my exercising has been okay, no real changes yet but I suspect that this week that will change.

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