Monday, April 11, 2016

Day 7 Intestinal Distress!

I know this is a subject that is not common or even considered 'couth' but it is part of my world... I've been having tummy troubles today. It seems the melphalan does a number to your whole GI tract and boy has it ever done a ditty on me. There have been some times of abdominal discomfort which has taken me off my 'A' game. This goes with the territory though and so I must fight through the unmerciful bowls of foul-odor.

My parents came to visit me most of the day to let poor Carey have a chance to rest herself as she has been feeling the onset of a cold. This of course would be bad to have my primary caretaker sick.

I hope my parents didn't grow too board with the multiple platelet transfusions I had today. For some reason my platelet numbers didn't want to cooperate. After the first transfusion my platelet count went down so they did another transfusion. Later on, the nurse mentioned that one of the lab technicians said the drop in platelets could have been due to some bacteria so they are going to run some more tests. They didn't think this would be likely since I don't have a fever, but they don't really need much of an excuse to take my blood these days.

I spent a little time gathering some test results and numbers concerning my blood counts and exercise. I put together a couple of graphs showing where I currently stand.

From the CBC chart you can see both the white blood cells and neutrophils have both dropped to zero. This is important because these cells fight off disease. Zero means I don't have any disease fighting cells - please resist the temptation of giving me a wet-willy.

The walking chart doesn't really tell me much. There have been times when my walk was slowed to accommodate conversations or interactions with people, but generally things seem fairly consistent. This matches the CBC chart's red blood cell counts which are headed down slowly but haven't fallen off a cliff. I suspect that if the red blood cells take a nose dive my exercise could be impacted. 

In other news, my Star Wars balloons went home with my parents today and made fast friends with Slate and Aero who took them in as their own. Slate was so happy to see R2D2 that he have him a kiss!

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