Friday, April 22, 2016

Over 50

He's been over 50 platelets for 2 days now. Hooray and thanks for the prayers! That means he hasn't needed transfusions the last few days, that we didn't need to drive an hour to the hospital that can give us transfusions on the weekend and that he's improving. Happy day!

Robert still spends a good portion of his day sleeping and the rest of the day he pops in and out of our life with a tired / tummy-achy face, but we love to see him. We are hoping in the next few weeks we will get to see more and more of him with a bit more energy.

Monday is a big consult with one of the eight Multiple Myeloma doctors on the team to let us know what they all think, let us know if he'll need to go on maintenance chemo and answer any questions we might have before they hand us over to his regular oncologist. If everything goes well with his physical that day, they will also take out his central line, which should make him a bit more comfortable.

Robert's family left us yesterday and I certainly couldn't have done the last few weeks without their help. Thank you to his sister and parents for all the tireless hours they spent helping with the kids and the house. And thanks to all of you for your support from wherever you are. We love you!

1 comment:

  1. You guys are inspiring! Thank you for the updates. Sending our continued love and prayers..
