Saturday, April 9, 2016

Day 5 Coasting

So his counts are at Rock Bottom or close to that right now, which is why they are so strict about not having any visitors that are sick. He's really just coasting for the next 5 days or so until his bone marrow starts to produce new nuetrophils, white blood cells, red blood cells, platelets etc. He's already had 3 platelet transfusions. Tomorrow they will start Nuepogen shots to help his bone marrow start producing faster, but it will be a few days before they see results.

But today wasn't about counts, it was his birthday! We celebrated with his one request of a visit from the boys. His parents and sister Rebecca also came up. Robert went on a short ride in the wiggle car with Slate and showed off his Star Wars Balloons (huge R2D2 and other balloons - Thank you, Shannon!). Both boys were happy to be there and Slate cried a little when leaving. It's sad they have to be without their dad for a few weeks, but the good news is this should hopefully put him in a longer remission and make it totally worth it.

After the time with the boys, he was feeling nauseated and exhausted, but after some meds he eventually started feeling a little better. We even got a little streaming movie going on this afternoon.

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