Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Day 9 Swimming in the Pit

The first time Robert did the transplant 5 years ago they drew us this pit that showed what happened when a person got a bone marrow transplant. They explained that Robert would get a few days of heavy chemo, have a rest day, get his cells introduced on transplant day (that they call his birthday since he will be in some ways like a new born baby), and then... Well, the next few weeks include the severe effects of the delayed reaction to the chemo as it kills all of his bone marrow and who knows what else. Essentially, the typical person continues to have lower counts until around Day 11 or before which is all considered the downhill side of the pit then, around then with the help of Nuepogen they begin to come out of the pit as their implanted bone marrow cells begin to create new Nuetrophils, White blood cells, Red blood cells, Platelets, etc.

Basically, I'm trying to say, he's at the bottom of the pit and he's not feeling the sunshine. Here's some bullets describing his day:

  • Rash on his chest
  • Fever
  • 2 additional sets of platelets
  • Caught up on a couple of tv shows
  • Barely ate anything for lunch
  • Slept for most of the afternoon
  • Felt yucky
  • Managed to eat a good dinner
The doctor ordered some steroids and antibiotic creams for his rash, some IV antibiotics for whatever infection might be causing his fever, some Tylenol and of course, his usual 3 anti-nausea drugs. Robert also got another slew of blood tests to see if they can track down what is causing his fever. 

Oh, and he has started to lose his hair!

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