Sunday, April 10, 2016

Day 6 Nuepogen Me!

I've officially made it far enough into the transplant for the doctors to start giving me booster shots for the bone marrow that they think might be ready to do something. My white blood cell and neutrophil counts have both dropped to zero which in medical terms indicates mild zombiism. Since it's a mild case there is no need to fear that I'm sizing up your brain for a late night snack, the effects of the melphalan are still strong enough to override any potential desire for nocturnal cranial snacking. The doctors will of course keep close tabs on my zombie index to ensure nothing gets out of control prior to the engraftment of my PBSC.

In other news I had a quiet Sunday with my sweet wife here in the hospital. It was very relaxing and nice to have her by my side.

After she left, the nurses started their probing again but this time discovered my platlete count actually went up instead of down so I didn't need another transfusion! Things are really starting to go my way!

Later on I had a nice visit with Rich and Matt (Rich has Multiple Myeloma too and Matt is and old mission buddy.) It was fun chatting about about our cancer and other manly things.

My exercising has still been going well but I'm not sure I can really draw and conclusions, maybe tomorrow I should crunch some numbers and see if anything looks interesting.

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