Sunday, April 3, 2016

Day -1 Rest and Relaxation

Today was my official rest day - despite that they still sneaked in a dose of dexamethasone so I'm not sure I can really count this as a total day of rest. Still though, it was nice to not get any more chemo and even better they have detached me from my IV pole of fluids so I'm no longer tethered! It is so much better to not have to drag that IV pole everywhere I go - don't know how long this will last but I'm hoping I can stay detached for most of my stay here.

In general the day has been pretty tame. Carey came up in the morning to watch General Conference with me and stayed long enough to get the report from Dr. Gaby. My sister Rebecca came into town last night and is planning on helping us out for this entire week - so this morning she watched the boys while Carey came and visited me. When Carey got home Rebecca drove to the hospital to spend some time with me - it was nice to chat a bit with her, and we even took a walk outside while I still can.

Tomorrow is the big day! They should be serving up a couple of bags of PBSC tomorrow in the late morning to early afternoon. That will be considered my 'birthday' and the day I measure from for my 100 day milestone where things are mostly back to normal but still be careful.

I've been trying to manage my minor tummy troubles with Ativan lately and feel like that's helped some. I definitely feel my appetite slipping but I'm still managing to get some decent intake. My walking is still going strong and I'm planning on continuing that as much as possible. I know I'm in store for tougher times before things start getting better so I must be prepared.

1 comment:

  1. Praying for you Robert! Thanks for the Blog posts! Happy "birthday"!
