Thursday, April 7, 2016

Day 3 Perfect Storm of Drugs and Socks

Somehow the doctors/nurses got the perfect mixture of drugs into me so that I was able to function in a mostly alert state for a good portion of the day. My sister Rebecca got to enjoy this experience as I assembled the remains of the fearsome Darth Vader all while chatting about 'things'. We even got permission to leave the building on this bright and sunny day so I could really let my 'freak-flag' fly. I received many compliments on my Superman socks and only a few squity-eyed stares wondering what was on underneath my brought yellow hospital apron. No need to worry though - was wasn't wearing it 'hospital' style.

As an extra does of excitement I got Rebecca to make a run down to Cafe Rio for some non-hospital food and it was delicious! Thanks!

I don't know what the future holds but today wasn't too bad. I'm currently waiting for some more drugs to kick in so I can go to sleep. It's not as easy as one would think to slip gently to sleep with a little nag in your tummy saying 'maybe it would be cool to throw up... just a little.'

I've been able to get out and exercise and do a few active things which according to the nurses is good - one day in bed is an additional three days of recovery. Just keep those drugs coming and I'll stagger all round the hospital.

Other things of note today, my platelet level finally dipped below 50 so I got a bag of donor platelets. I'm thankful for all those out there that take the time to donate blood products so that people like me have a chance to spend a few more years living a good life. Keep on donating even if the movies you watch while donating and are very sad and make you cry and you have to rely on the nurse to wipe your tears. It's all worth it!


  1. Lovin' the trendy hospital look, it suits you well :)

  2. What was that movie? Marley and Me? Poor Marley.
